Most of my Internet Marketing clients always ask the same questions: Where is my site? Why do I not show up when someone enters my keywords? Why is my site lower than my competitors? Here are the answers to all of these questions and more.

Why do some sites rank better than others

Google currently uses over 200 criteria to determine where your site should fit into their rankings. They use a combination of your sites authority, links, and several other metrics. For each search term, Google assigns a ranking based on all criteria. Your on-page optimization could be absolutely perfect, but if you don't have quality inbound links chances are you will not rank well for an even moderately competitive keyword.

Search Terms

For example, take a guy that sells watches. Of course, most watch store owners want to rank high for the word "watches". It is always difficult to explain to the client that their site is simply not going to be #1 for this keyword. It is simply too much time and too much money to go after such a competitive keyword.

A much better way to gain traffic is to target keywords and phrases that are narrower in their focus. It may be better to go after the watch maker or even the model #. Indeed, if the client really feels that the keyword watches is the only way to go, this plan will put us on that path. This way the client receives traffic everyday until the main keyword climbs to the top.

One more quick thought on keyword selection. It does you no good to be ranked at the top of a keyword that nobody is searching for. Also, don't ever assume you or the customer know what keywords are being searched for. After a bit of research, it may be determined that absolutely nobody searched for that keyword in the previous month on Google. When this is the case, being number one will not matter at all!

Why bother with Search Engine Marketing

Some cliens look at the Internet in the wrong way. They try to compare it to traditional marketing methods. People that are really not with it still advertise in the phone book. They really think that people still look in the massive phone book to find local businesses. The best customer is the world is a customer that knows exactly what he/she wants. When you go to the grocery store to buy a can of soup, you ARE going to buy a can of soup. You will always buy, no matter what. The same can be said for a customer that is searching for a very specific product. If a customer does a search for Seiko model #SPC011, he knows exactly what he wants. If he clicks on your link and you have the product, the sale is totally up to your price, terms and delivery options. This man is not shopping for a "watch" he is shopping for SPC011.

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